
Let be what is, let go what doesn’t serve you


Modern life is crazy hectic no matter what way you look at it. It feels like everyone’s standard response to ‘How have you been lately?’ is ‘Busy’.

There’s barely enough time to sit down for five seconds, let alone process what goes on in our heads. ‘Let be what is, let go what doesn’t serve you‘ has become one of my favourite mantras that I’ve come across in my yoga teaching journey. It makes me feel relieved just saying it out loud. I often use it in my meditations by thinking ‘let be’ on the inhale and ‘let go’ on the exhale.


Knowing when to reset

I constantly have to keep myself in check when it comes to letting be the things I can’t change and letting go of the extra emotions, thoughts and tasks that aren’t serving me in my life. But at least coming back to do this reset every now and then has helped me manage my stress and anxiety much better than I used to.

Find a moment of peace amidst the chaos

I have been juggling a lot of balls lately: blogging, personal training, toddler wrangling, tenancy property inspecting, the usual chores, trying to get over a winter lurgey I just can’t seem to shake… Oh yeah, and growing a baby (20 weeks today! Time is flying by!). Now I feel I need this mantra more than ever. If you’re busy all the time and find yourself getting stressed out easily, you might find it serves you well too.

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Modern life is crazy hectic no matter what way you look at it. It feels like everyone's standard response to 'How have you been lately?' is 'Busy'. There's barely enough time to sit down for 5 seconds, let alone process what goes on in our heads. 'Let be what is, let go what doesn't serve you' has become one of my favourite mantras that I've come across in my yoga teaching journey. It makes me feel relieved just saying it out loud. I often use it in my meditations by thinking 'let be' on the inhale and 'let go' on the exhale. . I constantly have to keep myself in check when it comes to letting be the things I can't change and letting go of the extra emotions, thoughts and tasks that aren't serving me in my life. But at least coming back to do this reset every now and then has helped me manage my stress and anxiety much better than I used to. . I've been juggling a lot of balls lately: blogging, personal training, toddler wrangling, tenancy property inspecting, the usual chores, trying to get over a winter lurgey I just can't seem to shake… Oh yeah, and growing a baby (19 weeks this Saturday! Time is flying by!). Now I feel I need this mantra more than ever. If you're busy all the time and find yourself getting stressed out easily, you might find it serves you well too ☺🙏

A post shared by Ange Noy (@ange_noy) on

Image / NZ Real Health

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