
Product spotlight: Alpine Tea

coffee drink

coffee drinkLow fibre intake, decreased levels of exercise, and too much salt in your diet are common causes of fluid retention and intestinal obstruction  – and nobody likes feeling bloated or uncomfortable with an upset tummy. Made primarily with Senna leaf, Alpine Tea is a purifying tea that helps to remove unwanted buildup, and allows for healthy bowel regularity and digestion.

Kiwi company Red Seal makes Alpine Tea here in New Zealand and recommend to drink 1-2 cups when needed to help relieve constipation, and restore your digestive tract and function comfortably.

As we have heard of people using Alpine Tea to try and assist with their weight loss, we felt that it’s important for you to know that as the product is a laxative/diuretic tea, this means that any weight you lose while taking it is due to reduced water retention and the removal of buildup in the digestive system. This means it will not be fat loss. Also, it is advised that Senna leaf should not be taken on an ongoing basis as it may lead to dependency.

We asked Red Seal’s Naturopath, Julie Fergusson, a few extra questions about the small print cautions on the packaging:

Why is Alpine Tea not recommended for pregnant women?

There is no known problem with the herbs used in this tea, but there is also little –  if any – safety data, so the warning is precautionary. There is a concern that, if used over a prolonged period or in large amounts, we cannot be certain what effect there could be on the safety of the foetus.

It is generally considered best to avoid all bowel stimulants during pregnancy as they can cause cramping and possible contractions in the uterus and could be blamed for starting an early labour. Overuse may also lead to dehydration or electrolyte imbalance which could contribute to complications in pregnancy.

As Alpine Tea is not ideal for prolonged use, what’s the recommended time frame for people to take it if they have ongoing tummy problems? 

Any prolonged laxative or bowel stimulant use is not good when used long term as they can all lead to the body needing the stimulation from the material to move the faecal matter down the large intestine. Simply put, the bowel gets lazy – because it has constantly been forced to work, so the gut can become reliant on the laxative to function.

Prolonged and excessive use of laxatives can lead to chronic diarrhoea and low potassium levels in the body. We recommend to only to take Alpine tea or Alpine Senna tablets when there is a problem, and not for longer than 10 days at a time. But better still, once only every two or three days unless recommended by a health professional.


Red Seal Alpine Tea is available at supermarkets nationwide, RRP $3.25. For more information, visit www.redseal.co.nz.

Image / FreeDigitalPhotos.net – Ambro

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