
Not using your gym membership? Get motivated!

woman leg press

woman leg pressWasting all your hard-earned cash on a virtually unused gym membership? Don’t quit! Here’s some tips to help motivate yourself back into the gym for regular workouts:

Buy some new exercise gear
If you look good and feel comfortable while you’re working on your fitness, you’ll be more inspired to keep coming back to do it again. A boost of confidence is always a good thing!

Refresh your workout
Getting bored of the same old routine? Do something a bit different. If you can’t bear the thought of running on the treadmill for half an hour, mix up your cardio (10 mins treadmill/10 mins crosstrainer/10 mins bike). If your gym offers free fitness programme updates, take advantage of it – otherwise try seeing a personal trainer for a programme.

Try something new
Take up a dance, yoga, personal training sessions or aerobics classes. Some gyms and recreational centres offer some very cool classes and if they have a pool, even better – go for a swim! If you don’t like going by yourself, make an effort to talk to other people taking the class – there will often be ‘regulars’ who go every time. Learn how to use weights and a swissball if you haven’t already. Invest in a skipping rope.

Pack your favourite tunes
If there’s one thing that will help you stick to a long treadmill or bike session, it’s some good music. Get an MP3 player and load it with songs that make you feel like you want to dance. These are often the best
ones to exercise to and will keep you motivated.

Drink plenty of water
Sometimes that horrible tired feeling you get 20 minutes into a workout isn’t your body getting tired, but rather the onset of dehydration. Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout. Remember that if you start feeling sick or dizzy and you’re well hydrated, don’t push yourself too hard! Leave it at that, have something to eat and come back the next day.

It’s okay to have an ‘off’ day
You don’t have to go to the gym every day. In fact, it’s good to give your body a rest every now and then – especially if you’re doing intensive workouts. Going into your new regime with a big bang and not allowing yourself proper rest time is a surefire way to make you resent exercising and stop completely.

Get a friend to come along
And/or work on making new friends at the gym. If you’ve got someone there working out alongside you and convincing you to go whenever they go, you’re more likely to keep on going. If you don’t know anyone that goes to your gym, find out if they have a social club.

Image / Flickr – CherryPoint

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